Why Juice Cleanses Are Bad

Sure, it seems healthy enough — but according to the experts, this is one diet you'll want to skip.

By Tehrene Firman, Redbook

It can be difficult to ignore the siren song of the juice cleanse. They seem like an easy enough weight-loss strategy: You're restricting calories, but instead of spending your entire Sunday meal prepping, you have a fridge full of ready-made, brightly-hued beverages to choose from. And you're only consuming fruit- and veggie-loaded drinks, so as far as diets go, they've gotta be healthy — right?

Unfortunately, the general consensus among experts seems to be "not at all." Solid food slows down your digestion, enabling your body to take in plenty of nutrients and help you feel top-notch, but that’s not the case when you’re getting all your daily calories via juice. Things might go smoothly enough at first, but that light and airy feeling won’t last for long and you could seriously jeopardize your health in the process.

If you're thinking about embarking on your own juice cleanse journey, you may want to reconsider. Here's what nutritionists have to say about the trend.


Juice is a supplement, not an entrée

When you think of a juice cleanse, you probably picture people smiling and skipping around, clutching their nutrient-loaded glasses of greens. But the joy you may initially feel from ingesting a juice-only diet isn’t a lasting one — and it might drive you crazy in the process.

“If you even think about the definition of the word ‘diet,’ it means ‘way of life’ — and a juice cleanse isn’t a way of life. It isn’t going to do much for you in the long run,” says Bonnie Taub-Dix, MA, RD, CDN, and author of Read It Before You Eat It. “If you enjoy juice, do so as a refreshing pick-me-up when you’re on-the-go. There’s a lot of value if you use them in the right way — like upping your fruit and veggie intake — but mostly it’s a perfect adjunct to a meal. It’s not really a diet.”


Juice cleanses don't actually detoxify anything

Sorry to break it to you, but there's zero scientific evidence to back up the claim that juice cleanses rid your body of toxins.

“People go on them because they think they’re going to detoxify their body, but you have a liver and a kidney that do that for you,” Taub-Dix says. “Instead of trying to cleanse, you should focus on clean eating, which can include lots of fruits and vegetables.”


They don't give your body everything it needs

A diet full of liquefied fruit and vegetables can only do so much — and after cleansing on juice, you’ll quickly notice you’re not feeling as vibrant and energized as you thought you would thanks to a lack of … well, almost everything.

“Your body needs a variety of nutrients, including protein, healthy fat, and carbohydrates. A just-juice diet is going to provide mostly carbohydrates,” says Amy Gorin, MS, RDN, owner of Amy Gorin Nutrition. “Those proteins and fats that you're missing out on are the nutrients that help keep you full.”


There's very little fiber involved

Speaking of being full, you’ll never hear anyone on a juice cleanse say that word. Like, ever. That’s because the juicing process strips the fruit and veggies of something your body needs to feel satisfied: fiber.

If you really need a juice fix, “Instead of using a juicer, I would prefer a blender,” Taub-Dix says. “In juicers, you’ll often just get the juice, and the fiber and the pulp is held behind. And that's not good because the fiber is very valuable. By using a blender, you’re actually getting all the parts of the fruit. It will make you feel much more satiated during the day.”


They won't actually help you lose weight

Because your body is getting so few calories during a cleanse, it tends to hold onto whatever it can — that means your metabolism will become sluggish. Some people actually gain weight from juice cleanses because of that — and if they do happen to lose some weight at first, there's a good chance it will come back (and then some!) after they return to their normal eating habits.

“Most of these cleanses are really low in calories, much less than you need to get through the day," says Gorin, adding, "There is no such thing as a long-lasting quick fix for losing weight. Eat a balanced, healthy diet, incorporating whole grains, protein, vegetables or fruit, and healthy fat into each meal. This will help fuel your body and help you to feel full.”


They can be dangerous

Juice — dangerous? It sounds far-fetched, but consuming too much can wreak havoc on your body.

“If you have diabetes or problems with blood sugar, or if you’re at a job where you actually have to physically move your body and be thinking during the course of the day, cleansing might not provide enough nutrients,” Taub-Dix says. “You might feel a little euphoric after drinking a juice, but it’s really more like a sugar high. And unfortunately that gets metabolized pretty quickly and makes you crash. You can get initial energy, but it’s not long-lasting.”

That said, an occasional juice made from wholesome fruits and veggies really can do your body good — but not when that’s the only thing your diet consists of. Instead of going on a cleanse, eat a balanced diet full of everything your body needs — you'll feel fuller longer, and you'll lose weight faster.
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Healthy Lifestyle | Health Care, Mental Wellbeing, Fitness, and More: Why Juice Cleanses Are Bad
Why Juice Cleanses Are Bad
Nutritionists and other experts agree: Juice cleanses aren't an effective weight loss strategy.
Healthy Lifestyle | Health Care, Mental Wellbeing, Fitness, and More
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