By Hajar Larbah, POPSUGAR
Planning for a wedding can be extremely stressful, especially the week leading up to it. There are so many things to do and so little time, but the number-one thing you want to do is prioritize your health. You want to be able to enjoy yourself because it's a time of celebration, which also means you want to make sure you're not putting foods in to your body that will harm it. What you eat the night or a few days before your wedding can affect your skin, bloating, and energy levels. And the last thing you want is to have a breakout or feel extremely lethargic from last night's dinner.
[post_ads]In general, though, no matter what you eat or don't eat, there are a few tips you may want to pick up leading to the big day. Elizabeth Trattner, physician and specialist in Chinese medicine, recommends you avoid overeating as well as eating cold raw foods, greasy foods, red meat, dairy, and processed items. "Chowing down and eating too much, even if it's good clean food, can bloat you." Trattner recommends eating just until you are 80 percent full. If you are going to have cold food that you can't steam or cook, she recommends having hot tea with it.
Now if all this sounds really stressful on top of your wedding to think about, relax, take a second to breathe, and come back. There are still so many foods that you can incorporate into your diet that will help to give you glowy skin and kiss the bloat away. That's why we spoke to Diane Elizabeth, beauty expert and founder of Skin Care Ox, to educate us on how we can eat our beauty from the inside out.
Planning for a wedding can be extremely stressful, especially the week leading up to it. There are so many things to do and so little time, but the number-one thing you want to do is prioritize your health. You want to be able to enjoy yourself because it's a time of celebration, which also means you want to make sure you're not putting foods in to your body that will harm it. What you eat the night or a few days before your wedding can affect your skin, bloating, and energy levels. And the last thing you want is to have a breakout or feel extremely lethargic from last night's dinner.
[post_ads]In general, though, no matter what you eat or don't eat, there are a few tips you may want to pick up leading to the big day. Elizabeth Trattner, physician and specialist in Chinese medicine, recommends you avoid overeating as well as eating cold raw foods, greasy foods, red meat, dairy, and processed items. "Chowing down and eating too much, even if it's good clean food, can bloat you." Trattner recommends eating just until you are 80 percent full. If you are going to have cold food that you can't steam or cook, she recommends having hot tea with it.
Now if all this sounds really stressful on top of your wedding to think about, relax, take a second to breathe, and come back. There are still so many foods that you can incorporate into your diet that will help to give you glowy skin and kiss the bloat away. That's why we spoke to Diane Elizabeth, beauty expert and founder of Skin Care Ox, to educate us on how we can eat our beauty from the inside out.
"Turmeric is one of the most potent anti-inflammatory foods out there," Elizabeth says. This spice is great for calming the face and reducing any scarring or redness from acne. It works great as a face mask, but your body can also absorb it from foods spiced with it. Try cooking your eggs or chicken in some turmeric next time or adding it to a stir-fry.
Warm lemon water
By now, you've probably had somebody tell you to start your day with lemon water, but that's because there are so many benefits to this habit. It essentially wakes up your body, gets your digestive system going right away, reduces bloat, and helps to brighten the skin around the eyes. "Lemons are packed with vitamin C, which has a nurturing effect on our immune systems and can even help with the production of collagen."
These babies are packed with healthy fats and when you incorporate them regularly into your diet, they can soften your skin and make it look naturally plump and glowy. Avocados are also rich in vitamins and oxidants that will help to brighten your skin. Since they are high in fats, they will keep you feeling satiated after a meal so you're less likely to overeat.
Sweet potato
"Did you know that a single sweet potato contains more than 200 percent of our daily recommended intake of carotenoids?" Elizabeth says and adds that carotenoids are the key to making your skin glow by giving you that sun-kissed complexion. If you're looking to bring some extra complexion into your wedding day, start chowing down on some sweet potatoes.
Foods rich in vitamin A
Vitamin A is so important for skin cell production and growth. To make sure you're getting enough vitamin A every day, start incorporating foods like carrots, spinach, eggs, berries, and, yes, liver. All these foods are going to help build collagen in your body to make your skin feel tight, firm, and healthy.
Bone broth
What a lot of people don't know is that bone broth is so rich in collagen. Drinking a cup of bone broth a day will provide your skin with the protein it needs to build more strong skin and to fight aging and wrinkles. Another amazing effect of bone broth is that it's going to help your skin hold on to its moisture to give you a natural dewy look on your wedding day. I love to add turmeric into my bone broth to reap all the benefits at one time! If you're looking to get started, Osso Good Bones has amazing cleanses you can do to get your gut health and nutrition on a new path.
Salmon may just be one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for optimum health. These fats are going to nourish your skin by decreasing inflammation, clearing out your pores, protecting it from further damage, and reducing the appearance of any fine lines. Fishpeople is an incredible company that tells you the name of the fisherman, boat, where your fish came from, and more. This is so important because where your salmon comes from actually affects the omega-3 content, and Fishpeople's has the highest content! Plus, its cooking kits make it so easy, fast, and convenient to whip up a dinner when you get caught up in wedding planning.
Last but not least is having a good probiotic, either from a food source or from taking a supplement. "Taking a hearty probiotic, even just for one night, can help to rebalance this delicate system and give your skin and gut a boost." Elizabeth suggests eating yogurt, kefir, or kombucha to make sure you're getting your daily dose of good bacteria. One of my favorites is The Coconut Cult, and in my opinion, the most powerful probiotic yogurt out there.