Better Open a Window If You Plan on Eating These Gas-Inducing Veggies

By Isadora Baum, POPSUGAR

If you're filling up a plate of veggies, that's great — they're super good for you and packed with fiber and essential vitamins and minerals. However, don't think it won't come at some cost, especially if you're including these gas-inducing culprits. Of course, this doesn't mean to give up these veggies, but rather be more mindful of portion sizes and look to tips to reduce gas, unless you want to head into a work meeting or go to bed with a bloated belly. Here are the worst veggies to eat for gas, to give you a much-needed heads up.


They might taste great going down, but they might bring up some gas later. "Seemingly innocent but potentially troublesome are mushrooms, which are high in polyols that can be fermented by intestinal bacteria causing gas," said Lauren Harris-Pincus, MS, RDN, author of The Protein-Packed Breakfast Club to POPSUGAR. Be mindful when eating them if you have a sensitive stomach, and note that portobello, shiitake, and button mushrooms are high in polyols, while oyster is lowest, she said.


Don't be surprised if broccoli and cauliflower make you toot. "You can blame an indigestible sugar called raffinose that your body cannot process well, especially raw," says Harris-Pincus. "For those suffering from IBS, the discomfort can be even worse," she added, so eat with caution.

Brussels Sprouts

These will also have a similar effect as that of broccoli and cauliflower, said Harris-Pincus. As Brussels sprouts come from the cruciferous family, they also contain raffinose, which is harder to break down. Be sure to not exceed portion sizes, and maybe eat them separately from other cruciferous veggies.


Onions add great flavor but they can make you gassy. "Onions and garlic are high in fructans, which are fructooligosaccharides known to cause gas, particularly in those with IBS," she said. "If you have trouble tolerating garlic [and onion] and really love the taste, you can try infusing olive oil with garlic to create flavor without using the clove in cooking," she added.

Green Pepper

They don't seem like they can be irritating to the stomach, but they can be, especially in those with IBS or acid reflux, explained Natalie Rizzo, MS, RD, to POPSUGAR. "They may cause gas and bloating for people without those conditions as well," she added.


These might taste great when marinated with olive oil, but they can make you bloated and sensitive to gas, explained Rizzo. Because of the high fructose level, it can be irritating to people who have stomach issues or can't tolerate it as well, she said.


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Healthy Lifestyle | Health Care, Mental Wellbeing, Fitness, and More: Better Open a Window If You Plan on Eating These Gas-Inducing Veggies
Better Open a Window If You Plan on Eating These Gas-Inducing Veggies
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