7 High-Protein Breakfasts Ready in 5 Minutes or Less

Power up your morning, and fast.

By Alexa Tucker, Self

If there's one meal of the day that really needs to be quick, it's breakfast. While 15 or 20 minutes seems relatively quick for, say, a dinner recipe, nobody has that kind of time on most mornings.

That doesn't mean you need to be limited to cereals, granola bars, and coffee shop pastries, though. If you've got just five minutes, you've got time to whip up a breakfast that's healthy and contains enough protein to keep you going all morning.

Of course, if you truly aren't hungry when you wake up, there's no need to force feed yourself breakfast. But if you are someone who's ready to nosh first thing (same), these seven recipes require minimal kitchen time with maximum benefit. Each has at least 15 grams of protein, which registered dietitians recommend at every meal (especially at the beginning of your day).
Instead of spending your hard-earned cash grabbing something on the go or skipping breakfast altogether (when you don't want to, that is), try making one of these breakfasts to start your day off on a healthier, homemade note. Plus, cooking yourself a meal can feel like a pretty huge thing to accomplish before 8 A.M., am I right?


Microwave Egg Oatmeal from The Lean Green Bean 

There are only four ingredients in this super-easy recipe, and believe it or not, one of them is an egg—it's an undetectable way to add protein to oats. Get the recipe here.

Per one serving: 239 calories, 18 grams protein



Protein Breakfast Sandwich from Macheesmo

Mashed black beans are a creative, fast way to add vegetarian protein to a breakfast sandwich. Microwaving the egg keeps this sandwich quick, too. Get the recipe here.

Per one serving: 372 calories, 18 grams protein


Blueberry Kale Power Smoothie from The Lemon Bowl

Kale goes incognito in this pretty purple smoothie that can brighten up any morning. Get the recipe here.

Per one serving: 240 calories, 17 grams protein 



Turmeric Tofu Scramble from Pure Ella

Tofu scrambles are one of the highest-protein vegan breakfast options out there—it's a bonus that they're so speedy to throw together. Get the recipe here.

Per one serving: 370 calories, 31 grams protein


Mocha Banana Protein Smoothie Bowl from Ambitious Kitchen

Smoothie bowls are probably the most beautiful breakfast that can be assembled in the time it takes you to make a cup of joe. Speaking of, instant coffee gives this bowl a boost of caffeine, too. Get the recipe here.

Per one serving: 272 calories, 20 grams protein


Frittata in a Mug from Power Hungry

Learning how to cook eggs in a mug is pretty life-changing. It's ridiculously fast, and you can dress it up with whatever mix-ins you like. Get the recipe here.

Per one serving: 175 calories, 16 grams protein


Simple Muesli Breakfast from Nutritionist in the Kitch

Because everybody likes parfaits. This breakfast-friendly version layers Greek yogurt, fresh fruit, and muesli (which is similar to granola) for a sweet morning treat. Get the recipe here.

Per one serving: 279 calories, 16 grams protein

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Healthy Lifestyle | Health Care, Mental Wellbeing, Fitness, and More: 7 High-Protein Breakfasts Ready in 5 Minutes or Less
7 High-Protein Breakfasts Ready in 5 Minutes or Less
Power up your morning by making these seven breakfasts with 15 grams of protein or more, including tofu scrambles, smoothie bowls, and microwave egg oatmeal.
Healthy Lifestyle | Health Care, Mental Wellbeing, Fitness, and More
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