I Had Weight-Loss Surgery—But That’s Not What Helped Me Lose 130 Pounds

By Amy LeRoy, Prevention

Before: 282 lbs
After: 150 lbs

Before deciding to lose weight for good in 2014, I was completely sedentary at work and at home. I had zero energy, and I’d even take naps during my breaks at work. At home, I played with my children, but even that wore me out. I felt as though I wasn’t able to accomplish anything other than what absolutely needed to be done.

[post_ads]This took a toll on my physical and mental health. My anxiety was terrible. I had been on medication for chronic hypertension since high school, and I thought this was how my life would always be.
In 2006, I had a Lap-Band surgery, which helped me drop from 350 pounds to 283. But I continued to overeat just like I did before the surgery. I was hoping for a miracle when I had weight-loss surgery, but I wasn't prepared to work for the results. I was disappointed, but I learned that making real changes depended on me. 
The change
On April 2, 2014, I was driving home from work and stopped at a gas station to grab a snack for my commute. I wanted something to keep me awake and picked up some chocolate-covered peanut butter Bugles. When I got in the car, I remembered an app that a few co-workers said they’d been using to track their food—I figured it was worth a shot. That's when I downloaded MyFitnessPal and began tracking my calories.
It was so eye opening! MyFitnessPal gave me a daily calorie goal based on my height, weight, and how many pounds I wanted to lose per week. I tracked my food every day and slowly began making better choices with my meals. The next month, I started walking for exercise. At first, I would go for half a mile, and I worked my way up to four or five miles a day. I usually walked outside, but if the weather was bad, I'd push my kids in the stroller at the mall. 

I set out to get to 260 pounds, or about 20 pounds from where I started.
The workouts
I've gone through a few different phases with my workouts. In the beginning, it was all about walking. Then I started using the Couch to 5K app to begin interval running after months of walking several miles a day. It was hard, but not impossible. 

Eventually, I started using weights and following YouTube workout videos on my 15-minute break at work. I did this every day for a year. Later on, I got a gym membership and began using the StairMaster and lifting weights. 
I always tell people to just find something they like to do and stay active. Now I do 'Cize dance classes at the gym and go on walks while my kids are in their dance and music classes at night. I use my breaks at work to jog in my office. 

What’s funny is that I always said I'd never be a runner, but eventually I was able to run a 5K. I kept at it and now I've received a few 5K medals and completed two half-marathons. Never say never!
The food
I used to be a chronic overeater, noshing on junk and eating huge portions at each meal. For example, at dinner I'd make a pasta dish and eat enough for three people. I also kept a jar of peanut butter in my desk drawer at work and could easily eat half of the jar in a couple of days. Though I did eat salads occasionally, they were drenched in dressings. When I ate snack foods, like chips or cookies, I would eat the whole bag.
[post_ads]Now, I try to eat as clean as possible and keep my portions in check. For breakfast, I usually have a Greek yogurt. Then lunch is some kind of salad with grilled chicken and a light dressing. I find that snacks are important to keep me from going overboard at my next meal. Mine usually consist of a protein bar or an apple. For dinner, I’ll eat lean protein like chicken, fish, or ground turkey, with veggies. I also like to make a flatbread pizza with turkey pepperoni and lots of veggies. 
Sticking with it
Motivation comes and goes, but I am determined to continue living this healthier lifestyle. There are days when it takes a lot of discipline, but I think of how far I’ve come and know it's worth it. It's so important for me to have a support system, so I lean on my friends to vent about my struggles. I've also found that Instagram is a huge motivator. There are so many great accounts from people who've lost weight—I've become friends with several of them in real life and they inspire me daily.

A year after setting out to lose weight, I've lost 132 pounds.
The reward
Since I've made these lifestyle changes, my life has improved in so many ways. I no longer have chronic hypertension—so no more meds! My anxiety is finally under control, and I can keep up with my two young kids—Carter is 5 and Presley is 3. When the weather is nice, we like to take walks and they love to run, too. I hope when they see me being active that it sets a good example for them.
Beyond the weight loss, there have been so many non-scale victories, too: fitting into restaurant booths, crossing my legs, shopping, fitting into theatre seats, wearing heels, being able to wrap a towel around my body, and most of all, gaining self-confidence.
My number-one tip
Start where you are and use what you have. I realized that I didn't need to have a gym membership or quit eating every food I enjoy to get in shape. MyFitnessPal was and is an amazing tool for me. It really helps me stay on track. For exercise, I try to get in at least 30 minutes of activity every day. All of my small changes eventually added up to big results. Although consistency is key, we all mess up. Just keep going. This is a lifelong journey. 

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Healthy Lifestyle | Health Care, Mental Wellbeing, Fitness, and More: I Had Weight-Loss Surgery—But That’s Not What Helped Me Lose 130 Pounds
I Had Weight-Loss Surgery—But That’s Not What Helped Me Lose 130 Pounds
Amy LeRoy learned that making real changes depended on her. Here are the small changes that helped her lose 120 pounds in less than a year.
Healthy Lifestyle | Health Care, Mental Wellbeing, Fitness, and More
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