6 Wall Exercises for a Totally Toned and Trim Summer Body

The one and only thing you need to tone up and trim down? That wall right next to you. No excuses — we're going to lean in for stronger bodies, starting now.

 By Jenna Dedic, Dr Oz The Good Life

[post_ads]Here's your new motto for getting in shape: If there's a wall, there's a way. It's a ridiculously underused fitness tool, says CeCe Marizu, an instructor at Equinox in New York, who created this full-body workout. (She's modeling the moves here.) "Using a wall strengthens, helps with balance and flexibility, and keeps you accountable with your form," she says. Since you don't need extra equipment, you can do this routine anywhere. Go through the moves in order once, then repeat for an even bigger calorie burn, if you have time.
Wall Sit
Targets: Butt & Legs
Dont let knees go past toes. Keep a natural curve in the spine.

Stand with your back against the wall, feet hip-width apart, and hands clasped in front of chest. Lower into a squat position until hips and knees form a 90-degree angle, as if you were sitting in a chair. (If this angle is too hard, sit a little higher with less bend in your knees.) Hold the position for 30 to 45 seconds.
Windshield Wiper
Targets: Abs & Core

Stopping short of the floor forces you to really engage your abs.

Lie on the floor with legs against the wall and arms out to the sides at shoulder height (forming a T), palms facing down. Keeping legs together, slowly lower them to the right; go as low as you can without letting them touch the floor. Squeeze abs as you lift your legs back to the center, then lower them to the left. That's 1 rep. Continue alternating sides for 10 to 12 reps.
As you build up core strength, try keeping your arms closer to your sides for more of a challenge. Stopping short of the floor forces you to really engage your abs. Keep a natural curve in the spine.
Triceps Lean Ins
Targets: Triceps & Core

Stand a couple of feet away from the wall.

Stand at a right angle to the wall. Place one palm flat against the wall, arm across your body. Lean in to the wall, bending elbow, as shown. Then push into palm to straighten arm. That's 1 rep. Do 12, then switch sides.
Make sure your head and feet are facing forward, not rotated toward the wall. Pull in abs and keep back against the wall the whole time. Don't let knees go past toes. Stand a couple of feet away from the wall.
Side Dips
Targets: Shoulders, Chest, Arms & Core

Pull in abs and keep back against the wall the whole time.

Stand against a wall, then lower down into a wide squat, toes pointing out. Bring arms behind head, and dip left elbow toward the floor, as shown. Return to center (still squatting), then dip right elbow. Do 5 to 10 reps on each side.
Hip Lifts
Targets: Arms, Back & Core
A: Start with shins parallel to the floor. B: Squeeze your abs as you lift.

A: Lie on the floor with arms by your sides, and place feet flat on the wall so your legs form a tabletop position. Keep feet hip-width apart.
B: Lift hips and butt off the floor by pushing your heels against the wall. Hold for a count, then slowly return to start position. Do 10 to 12 reps without resting.
Wall Push-Ups
Targets: Butt, Thighs, Abs & Obliques
A: Place hands at shoulder level. B: Keep your body in a straight line.

A: Stand facing the wall, about 3 feet away, with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Lean forward and place hands on the wall; you should be balancing on your toes with your heels lifted. Bend elbows to lower your body toward the wall, as shown.

B: Push slowly off the wall to straighten arms. This is 1 rep. Repeat 10 to 15 times.
The farther your feet are from the wall, the harder you'll have to work.

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Healthy Lifestyle | Health Care, Mental Wellbeing, Fitness, and More: 6 Wall Exercises for a Totally Toned and Trim Summer Body
6 Wall Exercises for a Totally Toned and Trim Summer Body
​The one and only thing you need to tone up and trim down? That wall right next to you. No excuses — we're going to ​lean in​ for stronger bodies, starting now...
Healthy Lifestyle | Health Care, Mental Wellbeing, Fitness, and More
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