By Christa Sgobba, Prevention
Prompt treatment is vital to preventing long-term damage, but lots of people don't get treatment. Now, a new survey sheds further light on the scope of the problem: An alarming number of Americans may have had a mini-stroke—but didn't recognize it, a new survey from the American Heart Association suggests.
Here are the most common symptoms of mini-stroke that people experienced, lasting from a few minutes up until 24 hours:
- 20% reported a sudden and unexplained headache
- 14% reported sudden and unexplained trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination
- 10% reported sudden and unexplained numbness or weakness of the face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body
- 10% reported sudden and unexplained trouble seeing in one or both eyes
- 5% reported sudden and unexplained confusion, trouble speaking or understanding
After experiencing these symptoms, only 3% of the people called
911, the survey found. More commonly, they simply waited until the
symptoms went away, rested, or took some kind of medicine.
Not a smart strategy: The same signs of mini-stroke can point to a full-blown stroke, too.
"Ignoring any stroke sign could be a deadly mistake," said American Stroke Association chairman Mitch Elkind, MD, in a news release. "Only a formal medical diagnosis with brain imaging can determine whether you're having a TIA or a stroke."
Swift diagnosis of stroke is important for treatment and recovery,
and quick detection of mini-stroke is vital, too. Because you're at
higher risk of a full-blown stroke, your doctor will work with you on
prevention factors, which can include lifestyle changes or anti-clotting