It is said that if you consume this drink regularly you will be able to see the results within a week.
The banana is that type of fruit that has a high level of potassium.This means that it builds strong muscles and has the ability to scare away the toxins out of your body.In combination with other nutritive ingredients, the banana is highly beneficial and efficient.
It will help you boost your body to burn fat. Use this drink regularly and say goodbye to belly fat.
- 1 banana
- 1 orange
- ½ glass low-fat or fat-free yogurt (Greek Yogurt)
- 1 tbsp. coconut oil
- ¼ tbsp. ginger powder
- 2 tbsps. flax seed
- 2 tbsps. Whey powder
Mix them all in your blender. Blend, pour in a glass, drink and enjoy!
I would drink this in the morning. It’s very nutritive and will give me the benefit of having a great day.
Maintain your diet and enrich it with this drink. Keep up the good work!