In addition to lack of minerals, leg cramps can be caused by uncomfortable shoes, descended feet, degenerative changes in the joints of the foot, improper seating or some diseases of the loco motors apparatus. A good way to prevent cramps is to exercise, to have good circulation, drinking at least a liter and a half of water a day, a sufficient intake of minerals.
If you get a foot cramp or in another part of your legs, you can successfully solve it using this trick. Hang on to your toes and rapidly and strongly pull it toward you. If the pain is strong, hang in there and try to keep the foot in this position, while with the other hand simultaneously massage your aching muscles. The cramp will soon loosen.
If you get a foot cramp or in another part of your legs, you can successfully solve it using this trick. Hang on to your toes and rapidly and strongly pull it toward you. If the pain is strong, hang in there and try to keep the foot in this position, while with the other hand simultaneously massage your aching muscles. The cramp will soon loosen.