Apple Cider Vinegar and Belly Fat
Apple cider vinegar may help you lose weight, and belly fat, by aiding in hunger control. A 2005 study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association reported the effects of vinegar on blood sugar after the consumption of a high-glycemic meal and indicated that the vinegar also helped decrease caloric intake throughout the day. This study was very small, including only 11 people, so more research is needed to know if apple cider vinegar really helps you lower your calorie intake.
Olive Oil and Belly Fat
Olive oil is not known for its belly-fat-burning abilities. In fact, *Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010* states that while oils such as olive oil make a healthy addition to your diet, they are a concentrated source of calories and should be used in small amounts. But olive oil is better for your overall health than saturated fats such as butter. Olive oil is rich in vitamin E and when used instead of fats like butter may help keep your cholesterol levels under control.
Using Vinegar and Oil
You can easily incorporate apple cider vinegar and olive oil into your weight-loss diet. Apple cider vinegar is calorie-free and a good way to add flavor to food. Although not calorie-free, olive oil can be used in small amounts to also add a bit of flavor. Use both the vinegar and oil as the new dressing for your salad greens or in a marinade. Or make your own version of a German potato salad with the apple cider vinegar and a touch of the olive oil.
Diet to Lose the Belly
When it comes to weight loss, you can't spot-reduce. But deep belly fat, called visceral fat, is usually the first to go, according to the Harvard School of Public Health. As with any other weight-loss diet, the key is to make better food choices and limit your portions to aid in calorie control. The Harvard School of Public Health recommends a diet filled with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and foods rich in polyunsaturated fats such as salmon, walnuts and soy oil.
If you naturally carry weight in your midsection and you're trying to lose the last 5 pounds, you'll need to stay consistent with your diet and exercise program to see results.