Breakfast, as heralded by mothers everywhere, really is the most important meal of the day. By shirking the time and effort into making breakfast, you rob your body of essential fuels, slow down your metabolism, and leave yourself vulnerable for mid-afternoon binges. Purchase a plain yogurt of your choosing. Cut up fruits and begin to layer yogurt and fruit in a bowl. Sprinkle the top with low-fat granola. The result is a healthy breakfast that feels more like a dessert. Other breakfast suggestions include egg white omelets, natural peanut butter on whole grain toast, and cantaloupe with a dollop of ricotta cheese.
Lunch and Snacks
By keeping your blood sugar from fluctuating and metabolism from slowing down, dieters are able to lose weight and enjoy two snacks between meals a day. The Mediterranean Diet is convenient to anyone's fast-paced lifestyle. Bags of nuts, fruit, vegetable slices, and hummus can be carried with you to work or fit in a small lunchbox. Optimal times to eat these snacks are two to three hours after your last meal. Many who tend to skip lunch overeat at dinner, which is why incorporating a good source of protein and filling fiber at lunchtime is important. Possible lunch choices include making a taco salad with your favorite type of bean on a bed of lettuce and spiced with a dash of salsa--or salads with a whole host of vegetables, tuna, olive oil, and feta cheese. For those on the go, a sandwich using whole grain bread, hummus, vegetables, and a splash of dressing is easy to fix and take with you. If a house full of snacks is too tempting for you to casually munch all day, then store small portions of nuts in your car. That way you have your snack and are not tempted to overeat when your at home.
Dinner is made even more special on the Mediterranean Diet, which advocates one glass of red wine with your meal. It is critical to prepare your dinner before drinking a glass. Diets easily go by the wayside after any alcohol; therefore, have everything made before you indulge. For those who do not drink, grape juice has some of the antioxidants found in wine. Dinner ideas consist of whole grain pasta topped with vegetables, vegetable fajitas with whole grain tortillas, hummus with feta on wheat pitas, small chicken breast with olive tapenade, or grilled tuna kebabs on rice. Be sure on this diet to plan ahead and not get stuck in a rut. Diets fail, because dieters either get bored or fall into temptation. If you eat off your diet give yourself a break and get back on the next day. Remember that the Mediterranean diet not only is good for losing weight, but it will help the health of your hearth, skin, and mind.