The Importance of Exercise for Weight loss

A daily exercise routine is essential for good health and weight loss, as exercise stimulates the release of a set of chemical compounds in the brain, called endorphins, which make you feel generally happier, calmer and clear headed. The key to losing weight, is to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. So opt for an activity, which you enjoy. Also, adding a variety of exercises is an important aspect to keep yourself motivated and lose weight.

According to a ‘Time Magazine’ article, a study published on exercise and weight loss implies a greater significance of diet over exercise for weight loss. Nevertheless, the resultant weight loss is sustained for a longer time, when it is integrated with exercise. The research has been conducted by comparing two groups of individuals – first who are on calorie deficit diets, and the second who have included moderate to intense exercise along with caloric restriction.

The outcome of the study showed that the total weight loss for both groups was almost the same. However, a relapse was averted by including exercise along with dietary control. Several studies have suggested that those who combine a greater physical activity with proper diet, are more successful in sustaining their achieved weight loss. Exercise, in confluence with a balanced diet aids in conserving your body’s lean body mass (like bone and muscle mass) during weight loss, much better, in comparison to weight loss with just the diet. 

There has been apprehension about increase in intake of food after exercising. But, quite a few studies show that in people who exercise, even for short durations and/or less intensity, have reduced food intakes. The matter is multifaceted and not clearly comprehended. It is known that exercise stimulates an alteration in hormones, which are responsible for regulating food intakes and may help in limiting weight gain.

 There may be an evident increase in eating, instantly post workout, in the early stages of exercise. However, keeping one self sufficiently hydrated before, and throughout, the exercise may help in curtailing food intakes.

At present, owing to remarkable technology, most of the exercise equipments come with built in monitors that gauge your energy output and give you the amount of calories that you have burnt. Consequently, binging on that sinful dessert might put you on a guilt trip, considering the amount of effort that you have put in during your workout.

Following a diet plan entails some sort of restriction and limitations, which might help you in attaining your desired weight, but in turn might adversely affect your body composition. Crash diets and fad diets are also a no-no, to lose those extra kilos because all you end up losing is the body water and important nutrients, as well as lowering of your BMR(Basal Metabolic Rate) which plays a key role in weight loss.

Proper fitness calls for an integration of a healthy diet, along with proper exercise and training.

It is important to keep achievable, short term goals, which can be attained in a small duration of time to keep you inspired and motivated. This might help you in long term sustainability of your diet and exercise regime, as these are fundamental to an appropriate fitness plan.

Follow simple steps like including ample amount of nutrient dense foods such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains.  Maintain moderation in foods like low-fat dairy, nuts & seeds and lean meats. Finally, watch your portions of high calorie, high sugar, high fat foods, alcohol, and avoid trans-fats, refined oils, flours and sugars.

It is imperative to understand the basic concept of altering your lifestyle for the better by eating mindfully, exercising well, ensuring positivity, and keeping stress at bay. 

*Data Courtesy: Ishi Khosla, a practicing clinical nutritionist, consultant, writer, columnist, researcher, author and an entrepreneur. *Images courtesy: © Thinkstock photos/ Getty Images

By Sobiya N. Moghul

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Healthy Lifestyle | Health Care, Mental Wellbeing, Fitness, and More: The Importance of Exercise for Weight loss
The Importance of Exercise for Weight loss
Healthy Lifestyle | Health Care, Mental Wellbeing, Fitness, and More
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